Monday, June 29, 2009


Was going through business world ,when the word cloud computing caught my attention.The world raised my curiosity( a computer eng).So after searching a lot i am able to comprehend what it is all about .

The name cloud computing is mainly because of ,internet equivalence to cloud (since u don't know what is coming and going in internet) and in books cloud is used to depict internet in a diagram.

Cloud computing is readily embraced by companies , as it reduces cost and increases efficiency . It is a approach in which software,infrastructure ,platform are provided as services.

The following case will help to understand it better

A company say SERVER has put some large servers but is able to just use 60% of total resources.Now a small company, a individual and a large company are there , say CLIENT1, CLIENT2 , CLIENT3 .

CLIENT1 is small company and for it installing server at its offices is not cost effective , so it ask SERVER to let him use its resources , so that it can develop applications on their servers(from server side ides' are provided ex amazon web services provides for .net, php ,ruby). This is PLATFORM AS A SERVICE (PaaS),

ex googleapps, amazon web services.

CLIENT2 is a individual , and just uses msoffice ,vimeditor, picassa .. etc for files editing , so rather than installing all the required softwares on his pc ,he urges SERVER to let him use its resources ,so SERVER develops a application in which using a web browser CLIENT2 can do its work on SERVER machine . This is SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SaaS)

ex googledocs,

CLIENT3 is a large company, and can be a it or non-it company ,and for some uses needs a server or some extra pc ,may be for some limited period of time . So the service provided by SERVER in this case is known as INFRASTRUCTURE AS A SERVICE (IaaS). But this doesn't means SERVER will rent its hardware , here will come into play another new technology VIRTUALISATION .

ex amazon web services

The provider charges amount on usage basis rather than for a fixed period of time,and hence it is mutually beneficial for both.

video from click on view demo button on the home page

image from googledocs

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