Most of the newspaper are abounded by the news and images of the gay parades. Suddenly number 377 has assumed significance. Numerological it reduces to 8 which has both masculine and feminine qualities. Also in bible it signifies new begining.
Both of these go hand in hand , as far as GAYS are concerned.Article 377 states that "Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine."
Now the people in favour of it had two main arguments
Religious:- which has nothing to do as far as law in concerned.It is on the morality of the person
IT HELPS TO PUNISH PAEDOPHILES:- but nowhere in the article children are mentioned .
Till date it has been generally misused to harass homosexuals.We can have a seperate law to punish padophiles.Also the IPC indian penal code was framed in 1860.At that time our society was backward and more in the claws of supersition. The britishers who were chief architect of it , has themselves accepted homsexuaity.
Also it is no longer a taboo . Brokeback Mountain and Milk the oscar winner movies dealt with the same topic.We have to remeber that when blacks and harijans had fight for equality same relegious dogmas had proved to be impediments.