Sunday, May 24, 2015

Graphs and Trees : Part 2

Whenever we have to make a program , the things will like

1) In which form input will come

2) What will be the data structure needed

3) What will be the algo

For graphs , we can have input like

1 2
1 3
1 4
2 3
2 4

We can read this as 4 nodes , 5 edges and then nodes of each node are given

For tress the above one can also be used and also the below one

(v1(v2(v3)(v4)))    as shown in previous post.

Also for tress we can use

1 A
   2  B C  D
           3 E
              3 F

A is root node , B C  D are children of A , E is children of C and F of D.

Then we have already seen how we can use struct for directed tress

For graphs I have seen we generally uses 2-d matrix , it wastes memory location but is easy to work with.

For trees also we can use 2-d matrix .

There will be a small theory about how to make a given tree into binary tree : I have to understand that one.

Now to just recap the things ( it may change depending on new things as I learn)

Graph :
           Input Methods
           1) 4
               1 2   2 3   1 3   1 4  3 4
           2) text file has data in 2-D matrix format

Storage in memory : In 2-D format

Operations : Searching a node , finding least distance , finding largest distance , finding total distance of a graph, addition of a node and its path , deletion of a node , Degree of a node ...etc ( will be updated )

Types : Directed / Undirected ; Cyclic / Acyclic ; Simple / Multi

Directed Tree
                  Input Methods
                 1 (v0(v1(v2)))

                    1 A
                       2 B
                          3 C D E
                       2 F

Strorage : Struct

Operations : Addition , Deletion , traversal , height of tree , Level of a node (distance from root) , Degree of a node

In next post I will try to have some programs written for them.

For directed tree, most of the operations will be limited to Binary tree . ( As for any directed tree, we can obtain a equivalent binary tree as per book) (Still to check this)

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