Saturday, May 9, 2015

Randomness and Fear

Not only in my work, but in life also I see how little knowledge we have...We always get surprised by Nature , Stocks, Sports ...........

Its just unbelievable.

Every time we feel that we have reached the stage, where things can't surprise us ..we get shocked.

How to live then , Should we be happy in the limited knowledge we have and try to build life around that ? It will be easy restlessness no pressure ....whatever comes in life taking it as the best you can have. Always looking for opportunities.

I have some friends, who so smoothly can handle multiple things , sometimes it hard to believe.
You meet then one day ..they will say convincing things about some person/job/place   and just next day they will other choice and they will act , like it's the best thing.

We don't know our futures, how can we say what is best and what not ?????

But I don't think this should stop us from trying new things ....If you don't know what is best for you in future ...just see if that thing in present will make you happy .

Is their any long-term or visionary strategy , we have all seen stock markets getting crash many a times.  but sometimes we have also seen , some nation progressing based on long term policy .

So what approach to take.

Is irrespective of human choices, what we get is just random roll of dice.

We are so weak in front of GOD.

Does Hitler would have though he will be defeated. He made lots of strategy.

Nokia went down , they also made strategies.

Roman Civilization is gone.

Sometimes I feel should I leave everything and just stand in middle of some Road. After 2-3 days may be police will come, media will surely come,  they might even make a movie ..if something exciting happens.

Just standing in middle of road for 2-3 days , can change your life..............but will I do it  :) , even though I know something exciting will surely happen .

I think , this last feeling of fear which stops us allows FATE to play his hand. We all dream big , want to be best , rich, famous .......but how many have the HEART to go for it.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah ...a part of me does. Coming across your articles was fate. And what you write is magic ...

