Tuesday, May 19, 2015

South Korea and India

Recently , I have been checking some articles on the internet. I come across articles by " Unleash The Good Force by E.N. RAMMOHAN". Then also I checked one article on wikipedia "Miracle_on_the_Han_River". As mentioned in the RAMMOHAN article, there are two articles in our consitituion " The 5th Schedule and the 9th Schedule". The details can be checked from the article. But the basis was after independence our constitution writers tried to lay down a strong foundation regarding how land/forest will be divided/used so that the tribals living in those areas will not get affected. But somehow these two articles never come in force, which played a great role in NAXALITE uprising in the country. Compare this with S. KOREA, where after the Korean War, Syngman Rhee administration implemented an important land reform that provided for the redistribution of land, averting a potentially explosive social issue. Treat employees like family" was Park's new motto, which also led to Korea's economic success. Park Chung-hee announced the first 5-year Economic Development Plan to mobilize national resources in establishing a self-supporting industrial economy Where is support for indian companies/ small scale industries in India general park chung lee "Democracy cannot be realized without an economic revolution" Have debate on how true is this Check what happened to our 5-year plans and why our economy didn't develop. At the root of the rapid expansion of the Korean national economy were several factors, some societal and others political. One[who?] acclaimed building block of the "Miracle on the Han" was the importance placed on education Chaebol refers to corporate groups in South Korea, mainly run by families, that exercise monopolistic or oligopolistic control in product lines and industries. Every Korean chaebol business was started by a family group and 70 percent of chaebols[citation needed] are still managed by family members, and in order for the power and standing of these groups to grow stronger, many chaebols form alliances through marriage, with examples including Samsung and Hyundai. Check 1997 financial crisis

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